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Bug or picture crown? Lives of bugs captured in striking detail

Bug or picture

When Jimmy Reid goes looking for extraordinary natural life to print, he does not have to transgress exceptionally distant from home. { Bug or picture }

He looks beneath deplete covers, underneath jewels and indeed interior the decrepit chalet in his cultivate in Loanhead, Midlothian.

To a many, the wasps, moths, ants and insects that rise may be considered ordinary, or indeed a pest.

To Jimmy, a complete picture taker, they’re the subject of striking close-up shots uncovering witching

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An early mining freak resting in a factory in Loanhead

” I see in the most crazy places and I naturally get fortunate,” he told News.

” My chalet appears to be a gold mine since it’s falling piecemeal.

” It’s unconceivable that I have been doing this for 10 a long time but I still discover creatures that I have noway seen ahead.”

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An autonomous moth set up in the Pentland pitches, close Edinburgh

The 39- time-old father also voyages to conterminous forestland and nation premises to discover ultramodern species that he has n’t still mugged.

” It’s so amping that I am seduced to go out most nights in the summer chasing for ultramodern subjects whether it be soared brutes or bugs,” he said.

” When I am taking filmland of notions and wasps I essay to do this at night when they’re resting as they’re less likely to move but they’re delicate to find.”

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Wood nonentity set up on a pine tree in Saulton Enormous Wood, East Lothian
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A lake slater set up in a clump of green growth in Straiton lake in Midlothian
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Three kill canvases set up at Flanders Greenery, Stirling
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A manly cucumber nonentity eating a cover in Bilston Woods, Midlothian
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A unheroic fleece wasp being swarmed by ants
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A crane cover set up in an Edinburgh theater
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A guard bug in Loanhead
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Hoverfly in an Edinburgh back theater
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A barracuda nonentity set up at Saulton Huge Wood
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Crane fly with parasitic bugs set up in Loanhead
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Donacia- semicuprea- a kind of creepy crawly set up at Flanders Greenery in Stirling
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A Bee- fly with its conk set up at Blackford- Pond in Edinburgh
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A ruby followed wasp at Musselburgh Tidal ponds in East Lothian
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A Shield bug laying eggs in Loanhead
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An owl playing up a bullet in the Pentland pitches in Edinburgh
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Jimmy Reid wears disguise equip to take filmland of owls Bug or picture


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